segunda-feira, dezembro 10, 2012

Social Educators Association of Australia Inc (SEAA)
Social Education at the Crossroads national conference Date: January 18-20th 2012 Venues: Melbourne Museum, The University of Melbourne and the Melbourne Zoo Keynote speakers: Dr Peter Hill (CEO of ACARA):‘The Future of Social Education’. Dr Lisa Cary (Murdoch University): ‘Citizenship education: Home and away’ May Rosa (Senior Elder Wardaman/Dagoman clan group): ‘Indigenous perspectives: a vital dimension of Social Education’ Deadline for papers and workshops: Monday 31 October, 2011 Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 7 November, 2011 Full papers for refereeing and Conference proceedings, 5 December 2011 Send paper and workshop abstracts to Judy Moore >> Download a conference flyer Conference website for further details about registration and to see the draft program. Membership Fees Membership runs from January to December. Annual Membership — Institution $100.00 Annual Membership — Individual - Individual $80.00 - Individual E-mail only* $35.00 - Student $40.00 - Student E-mail only* $25.00 >> Download a membership form (518 KB PDF) Our preferred method of contact is by email. All correspondence and journals will be sent electronically to your nominated email address. Details are available from: SEAA Executive Officer 150 Palmerston Street Carlton VIC 3053 Mission The Social Educators Association of Australia (SEAA) is a national organisation of people with a common interest in promoting and improving the quality of learning about society, both in formal institutions and in society at large. Its members include primary and secondary teachers, curriculum consultants, curriculum policy developers, tertiary educators, tertiary students, other professional associations, community groups and individuals concerned about the importance of social education. The Social Educators Association of Australia aims to: support and promote social education through Australia advance the holistic study of society from individual, social, cultural, ecological and global perspectives sponsor and support activities such as seminars, research, conferences, study tours and publications. Personnel President Dr Libby Tudball Email: Vice President Julie Dyer Treasurer Janine Forbes Email: Secretary Lindy Stirling Email: Robbie Johnston Email: Conference convenors Libby Tudball Geraldine Ditchburn Julie Dyer Executive Officer Judy Moore 150 Palmerston Street Carlton VIC 3053 Tel: 03 9349 4957 Fax: 03 9349 2050 E-mail: Editor Dr Lisa Cary Email: Assistant Editor Carol Collins Committee Members Bob Hill Joy Schultz John Buchanan Geraldine Ditchburn Karena Menzies Carol Collins Lisa Gary Resources The Social Educator The journal of the Social Education Association of Australia, The Social Educator, is published up to three times a year (April, August and November). Academic papers are refereed by members of the editorial board. Each journal is themed, except for the journal that follows a conference (though it will largely follow the conference theme). Contents of previous issues Information for contributors Conference papers Adelaide 2010: refereed papers Newcastele 2008: refereed papers Indigenous Statistics for Schools The Australian Bureau of Statistics has developed a new, free online resource to provide teachers and students with access to data on Indigenous Australia. Indigenous Statistics for Schools (ISS) provides easy to use data for students and teachers on topics such as Indigenous population, education, health, housing, work and more. Links to the original on-line data sources are also provided for those who want more information. The ISS web pages also cover general issues such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identification (including the history of the Census questions on ethnicity), how Indigenous statistics are collected and the importance of accurate Indigenous statistics. The resource offers easy to find data for classroom use, particularly for assignments. Students can use it as a 'jumping off' point to more detailed information found in ABS publications. The resource also aim to improve students ability to appropriately and rigorously examine numerical data This free educational resource will be available from the education pages of the ABS website and from 9 July 2009. For further information please contact Education Services on Free call 1800 623 273 or email. SOSE outlines The following SOSE middle school unit outlines have been provided by James Richardson, St George College. Year 9: Civics and Citizenship Unit Plan Year 9: Consumption and Waste Unit Plan Year 10: Globalisation Unit Plan Year 10: Economy and Society Unit Plan Timor-Leste curriculum units The Australia East Timor Friendship School project has developed some wonderful units and SEAA has helped in this process. Unit 1: Connecting with Timor-Leste (1.8 MB PDF) Unit 2: Timor-Leste: friends and close neighbours (989 KB PDF) Unit 3: Timor-Leste: an integrated approach (1.0 MB PDF) Unit 4: Timor-Leste: future scenarios (691 KB PDF) National Seminar on the Teaching and Learning of History: Teaching Asian History in Australia View the workshop presentation titled 'The challenges involved in establishing on-line investigations of history and culture' presented 20-21 November 2006 by Dr Libby Tudball, Monash University here (158 KB PDF). Social Education in the 90s A landmark SEAA publication in two parts focusing on a rationale for social education and developing a common framework for social education. Read the document here. (628KB Acrobat file) SEAA Tomorrow: SOSE and the Future At the 2003 biennial conference Professor Rob Gilbert's keynote address provided an overview of the past and challenges for the future, on the occasion of SEAA's twenty-first birthday. This is a wide-ranging discussion that focuses on SOSE and an entitlement approach to the curriculum that is concerned with teaching about society and environment. The address was published in The Social Educator Vol. 21, Spring 2003. Read the document here. Professional Development Details of SEAA's professional development program are published periodically. Member Associations SEV Social Education Victoria SASOSE Council South Australian Studies of Society and Environment Council SEANT Social Education Association of Northern Territory Inc. SOSEAQ Studies of Society and Environment Association of Queensland